black currants (rhibes nigrum) - medium sized, thicket forming deciduous shrub, growing 4-6ft high. fruits are black, nutritious and tasty, forming in mid-summer. can be used fresh or cooked for jams, juice, jellies, compotes, liqueurs. shade tolerant. plant out in permanent position or pot up/put in a nursery bed to get established for a year first.
hardiness zone - 4-8
contains 15 cuttings for $12
pick-up available in phinneys cove, NS /mi’kma’ki or shipped out by canada post (only in canada)
black currants (rhibes nigrum) - medium sized, thicket forming deciduous shrub, growing 4-6ft high. fruits are black, nutritious and tasty, forming in mid-summer. can be used fresh or cooked for jams, juice, jellies, compotes, liqueurs. shade tolerant. plant out in permanent position or pot up/put in a nursery bed to get established for a year first.
hardiness zone - 4-8
contains 15 cuttings for $12
pick-up available in phinneys cove, NS /mi’kma’ki or shipped out by canada post (only in canada)