perennial onions, edible & ornamental. egyptian walking onion (allium cepa var. proliferum) will steadily form seed (bulblets) on the top of the onion shoots which will fall over and self-seed/spread (walk). will continue to grow each year into a bigger, more established patch.
easy to grow, easy to harvest. all parts are edible. easily interplanted in existing perennial or annual gardens.
USDA hardiness: 3-9
contains: 15-20 bulblets
perennial onions, edible & ornamental. egyptian walking onion (allium cepa var. proliferum) will steadily form seed (bulblets) on the top of the onion shoots which will fall over and self-seed/spread (walk). will continue to grow each year into a bigger, more established patch.
easy to grow, easy to harvest. all parts are edible. easily interplanted in existing perennial or annual gardens.
USDA hardiness: 3-9
contains: 15-20 bulblets