european chestnut sapling


(castanea sativa) – well known in europe, up to 100' tall and can live over 500 years, notable for its sweet and tasty nut (though smaller than other chestnuts), often served roasted or in desserts. called the tree of bread. nuts were also traditionally ground into flour. was also once much used for timber, due to its durability and resistance to rot. prefers well-drained & slightly acidic soils. native to southern europe and parts of asia..

hardiness zone 5-7

currently 8-12" tall

*two trees needed for nut production
** all trees will be sold as bare root saplings in march/april AND oct/nov by pre-order only.

pick-up available in phinneys cove, NS /mi’kma’ki or shipped out by canada post (only in canada)

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