sour cherry (prunus cerasus) - self-pollinating and cold-hardy with beautiful white flowers in early spring. fruit is usually cooked but can be eaten raw. used in preserves and baking. 15-25’ tall. sends out suckers. hardiness zone - 3-7
currently 12-18” tall.
** all trees will be sold as bare root saplings in march/april by pre-order only.
pick-up available in phinneys cove, NS /mi’kma’ki or shipped out by canada post (only in canada)
sour cherry (prunus cerasus) - self-pollinating and cold-hardy with beautiful white flowers in early spring. fruit is usually cooked but can be eaten raw. used in preserves and baking. 15-25’ tall. sends out suckers. hardiness zone - 3-7
currently 12-18” tall.
** all trees will be sold as bare root saplings in march/april by pre-order only.
pick-up available in phinneys cove, NS /mi’kma’ki or shipped out by canada post (only in canada)