(levisticum officinale) - a resilient, early emerging perennial originating from europe, lovage is a must (in my opinion) for any perennial herb garden. edible leaves & stalks used for flavouring soups, stews, salads and more. reminiscent of celery in flavour. also used in herbal medicine. we like to cover the emerging spring growth with a plant pot to blanche it for tender and delicious growth. up to 6’ in growth when in flower.
hardiness zone - 5-9
** shipped as a bareroot live plant
(levisticum officinale) - a resilient, early emerging perennial originating from europe, lovage is a must (in my opinion) for any perennial herb garden. edible leaves & stalks used for flavouring soups, stews, salads and more. reminiscent of celery in flavour. also used in herbal medicine. we like to cover the emerging spring growth with a plant pot to blanche it for tender and delicious growth. up to 6’ in growth when in flower.
hardiness zone - 5-9
** shipped as a bareroot live plant